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  • after giving birth on June

  • glamzon
    09-11 03:40 PM
    Already posted .. Thanks anyway

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  • and is now pregnant,

  • anancish
    07-26 07:15 PM
    My question involves employment and labor law for the state of: CA

    I have worked with a company on h1b from 1st jul to 12 nov in 2007 on h1b visa. They did not pay me for last 45 working days. My employer is telling about the following clause in in my offer letter:

    SALARY: You will be paid an amount equal to a 70% basis of your bill rate based on the understanding that you will work with us for a period of at least one year. If you leave Company before completing 1 year of employment your compensation will be adjusted to a $55,000 per year basis and the excess amount paid to you will be deducted from the last two months of your salary.

    Please let me know whether this is legal to have this kinda clause in offer letter. Is there any way to get my salary?

    Thanks much!

    pregnant barbie gives birth. Woman gives Birth after
  • Woman gives Birth after

  • sanju_dba
    09-15 11:32 AM
    I am not sure any one one of the people who made the above posts have their GC......... I would actually agree with mihird.

    if you plan your life, you can overcome most obstacles, not having the GC included. it is folks who do not plan long term that are in trouble
    Have it... and
    -> Solid confidence of generating Income by...
    -> jumping jobs if you dont like it / payraise,
    or you got fired inspite of planning.
    -> A side/primeline business if you need a career switch.
    -> Buy house and dont get forced to sell house when u loose H1 job
    -> Have "NO H1" job options in the list
    -> Have your spouse eligible to work
    -> Reap more entertainment...
    -> No restrictions on International travel due to visa-
    revalidation,renewals fear. Dont giveup for your closeones lifetime
    events, attend n involve in it.
    -> Now you have confiedence, so buy GOOD,BIG house and have luxury
    time with it, kids room , entertainment room,pool , gym etc.,you
    wont get this when u r in apt-living-dueto-h1-job-loss-fear.
    -> Now with better house you may have short commute to your job , a
    big PLUS.
    -> Or if you are a moving person, then move around the nation every
    year with new jobs and enjoy the world.

    -- lots to say...

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  • Funny Video- FAIL Pregnant Barbie Happy Family Midge Doll funny Barbie

  • h1techSlave
    04-17 02:45 PM
    Yes but in Canada you will breathe clean air and drink clean water. You will have electricity 24 hrs a day and water 24 hrs a day. You wont find trash on the street and you wont be considered second class citizen if you arent SC/ST/OBC due to reservations. You woint have to give "donations" to get your kid admitted to Class 1. You wont face a system where a simple court case drags to 50 yrs or a case where doctor will not treat if before police does a "Panchnama" if you had an accident. You wont have to bribe everyone from minucipality to police to start a business.

    I have driven in and around Toronto for a couple of hours and did not find it much better than driving in Trivandrum/Cochin.

    Other points, I can only talk relating to the US and here we go.
    "you will breathe clean air and drink clean water." - The air in the US is as polluted as that in India as attested by the rising level of Asthma and the repeated Code Red warnings during summer time. Almost same story for water. About a year back, the DC govt. even admitted that the water supplied by them contains too much bad stuff.

    "You wont find trash on the street" - only when you live in a decent community. Just walk around half an hour around NorthEast DC and hope you will change your mind. Do not attempt to walk around the downtown of any US city after 6 PM. We don't want to loose any of the IV members.

    "you wont be considered second class citizen if you arent SC/ST/OBC due to reservations." - Who is considered second class citizens is a subject unto itself. But if you are complaining about reservations, you have never heard of affirmative action.

    "You woint have to give "donations" to get your kid admitted to Class 1." - Agreed public schools are free, just like they are free in India. If you want your kid to study in a private school, please pay $5000 per year.

    "You wont face a system where a simple court case drags to 50 yrs" - I had prefer a case dragging for 50 years or more against a wrong court decision such as we saw during the 2000 US presidential election.

    "a case where doctor will not treat if before police does a "Panchnama" if you had an accident" - I think the situation in India has now changed regarding hospitals refucing to treat people due to police case and such. Now, all hospitals (private hospitals included) are required to treat traffic accident victims asap.

    I am not trying to say, India is paradise. We have lots of crap going around. Many things still stink, but so is the situation in many "great" countries.



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  • Me as a Sim Giving Birth to

  • sledge_hammer
    03-19 10:44 AM
    I have to agree. One has to be extra careful in such matters as it is a tendency of the "majority" to always point fingers at the "minorities" by generalization. What some may think of as advice in a shoplifting case could be very easily misinterpreted as "support" in the eyes of the antis.

    Moreover, the OP has not once been apologetic to his actions rather he is trying to rationalize his actions by accusing everyone of stealing office supplies.

    I have stayed away from answering to his post as you can already see!

    You are trying to defend a criminal and thus some people objected to it. Crimes by immigrants, whatever they maybe bring bad repute to their country and the immigrant community.

    pregnant barbie gives birth. gave birth to a baby boy
  • gave birth to a baby boy

  • WithoutGCAmigo
    06-18 12:11 PM
    So looks like only the renewal will have a delay. First-timers won't face much difficulties.

    my point is if dates retrogress and if processing EAD's and AP's takes a long time getting a EAD might be easy in the first 60-90 days but renewals will become more difficult.

    its ok for folks that are within their 6 yrs of H1b but for others it will be a big head ache. As someone already mentioned earlier, you might have to apply for your renewal EAD the day after you get your 1st EAD and so on.


    pregnant barbie gives birth. Tips for Sending Birth
  • Tips for Sending Birth

  • Jaime
    09-22 10:44 PM
    Hi gsc999.. It was nice talking to you in DC..

    The reason I suggested sending in our credentials is beacuse the key in reverse brain drain is also "brain" along with "drain".
    If we send in our credentials wrapped along with a stopper it will show them what they are going to loose.

    Even to hard core right wingers it will show them that even if they neglect the human factor they cannot neglect the intellectual factor..

    Definitely! Totally sets us apart from illegals. (And a few people have asked me why I "bash" illegals. I really do not. They have their cause and we respect them like we should respect every other human being. We simply should not be lumped in with their cause, because we are opposites, and because that has been what has affected us so much)

    We need to finally break the chains and differentiate ourselves from illegals. If the government won't give us our rightful place as respected legals, we need to go take that place, because it's ours! Otherwise we will continue to be bullied by Loo Dobbs and company, and we will continue to be victimized by the apathy and politicking of Congress!!!

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  • pregnant women giving birth to

  • StarSun
    05-26 08:25 AM
    Members from NJ, NY contact laborchic asap. Thanks


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  • Gives Birth cartoon 1 - search

  • sunny1000
    10-09 09:10 PM
    Oye, ghee makhan se kaam nahin chalega, tum US main ho, India main nahin.

    Stop writing in Hindi. This is against forum rules and the fact that a lot of us don't understand.

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  • The Sims 2 - Giving birth t

  • jthomas
    09-22 05:45 PM
    I called some and it feels like not many had started calling yet.
    Please Call.
    Please Call.
    Please Call.
    Please Call.


    pregnant barbie gives birth. pregnant women giving birth to
  • pregnant women giving birth to

  • wandmaker
    06-25 04:59 PM
    In EAD form, they are asking about previous EAD which service center, what date, GRANTED or REJECTEd etc.. Now I had two is OPT and other one I got last year. Do I have to write info for both one or just for last year?? In last year's form, I wrote info about my OPT. But what now?

    1. Paper filing mention your last EAD
    2. eFiling mention your last EAD and there is also a space for two previous EAD, you will have to fill in that too.

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  • after giving birth.

  • immigrationmatters30
    09-23 12:19 PM
    King will, as usual, will come up with alot of amendments again. By the way, they have to finish with the horse bill and then they will come to our bill and then they have to finish the nurse bill. All the bills along with the Mr.Kings amendements have to be done in 2hrs because it starts at 3PM and ends at 5PM.


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  • : Barbie giving birth by www.

  • chanduv23
    02-23 01:08 PM
    My lawyer advised against filing AC21 proactively. His opinion is that it may trigger a big RFE requiring financial details of the new employer. How true is this? I have a feeling my previous employer might withdraw my approved I-140 on the advice of their corporate lawyers (Fragomen, who I believe recommend I-140 withdrawal as past of their standard procedure when an employee leaves). I would like to preempt that and file AC21 documentation.

    Yes, most Attorneys advise against proactive filing primarily because AC21 has no formal process associated like form, fee, reciepting or standard. It is based on guidance, most times the AC21 docs may or may not reach your file.

    Some Attorneys advise the HR to proactively file for AC21. There is one company (huge) where when you are being offered a job on EAD after AC21 - the HR dept makes a big fuss - asks for all documents like copy if Labor, 140, 485 reciept any any other documents and then makes you sign G 28 and then file for a G28 change in Attorney and associate AC21 docs with those. I guess, the Attorneys charge money so it is a business. If RFE or denial - then more money.

    My recomendation is to hire a ethical and realistic lawyer and not a greedy one

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  • Pregnant Barbie: Epic Win or

  • GCHope2011
    07-02 06:44 AM
    Obama is probably the worst President we have had in history OR may be his advisors are to be blamed. All they want to do is stop and punish business and then get votes by giving illegals free stuff. Legal residents spend at least $10-20K to remain legal and these freaking democrats want illegals to pay $500 and get citizenship (not even just GC).
    Vote out all democrates in the coming elections. GOP is the only party that cares about America - not just for short term votes.

    When you complain about latino or hispanics - everyone says this is not only about hispanics....many other nationalities are illegally here....but then only hispanic cacacus gets a meeting with Obama to push their illegal agenda forward.

    NO AMNESTY - yes, we can!

    What is this crap about immigration laws splitting families - how are the laws splitting families? Why can't the illegal resident in the US go back home to their family and the issue is solved. We don't need JPL labs or NASA to get involved (not rocket science).

    We can deport 11 million illegals by enforcing CURRENT immigration law and arresting and heavily ($50000 or extra jail time) for employers that employ illegals - knowingly or unknowingly. The burden should be on the employer to find out. Slowly, without jobs latinos (yes, the majority of illegals) will start leaving...going back - self deportation.
    While we may have our personal views on the efficacy or effectiveness of the US political system and the politicians, we should refrain from using this forum to cast aspersions on individual actors and parties in the system or painting them with a broad brush. No system is perfect, and the US politics and the political system is no different. On the whole, it does seem to work better and in a more civilized way than in other countries most of the times.

    We are an advocacy forum and need the support of everyone in the political system for our cause. Bad mouthing people certainly does not win friends who can help us.


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  • Mariah, who is giving birth to

  • JunRN
    09-23 11:53 AM
    I hope that Smith and King will not attend today!!! *cross-fingers*

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  • Angelina Jolie gave birth to

  • chanduv23
    04-23 05:27 PM
    I completely agree with you. However our problem is 'how do we organize a massive protest". IV is a loose affiliation of people affected by the immigration problems. They all realize the importance of fighting, however majority of them are unwilling to contribute personal time/money/energy for this cause. Flower campaign was first time in recent history, when legal immigrants showed some unity to express their anger and frustation.

    It was predicted that once 485 is filed, people have EAD, and spouse working ... affected people will loose the apetite to carry on the fight. And that's what precisely took place. The biggest chellange is to let the affected people realize that if they do not come out and fight, no one will take care of their interest. It seems everyone is waiting for others to go out and fight, so that they can reap the benefits without any struggle. Now tell me my friend "how do we organize a massive protest??"

    excellent analysis. After the flower campaign, and during the rally, IV formed state chapters and state chapters have been designed in such a way that efforts can be organized in an effective manner.
    There is always some activity or the other going on in the state chapters, in fact in our chapter we organized some law maker meetings in DC this week and some members attended the meetings.
    Lobbying is a very effective tool and the more the numbers and support, the more effective lobbying works out.

    I would strongly recommend that the members join their respective state chapters and organize grassroots efforts.

    Unless we help ourselves, no one is going to help us.


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  • out of giving birth.

  • vivache
    09-25 07:13 PM
    I agree with both the ideas.
    In fact the idea of the banner with 'Waiting for X years' is fantastic ..
    That would be an amazing sight where everyone holds placards that say since when they have been waiting.
    If it's even 400 people .. we have 400 people saying look we've been waiting since 5,7 or 9 years.

    It's also important to get in heavyweights like either local folks like Google HR head or any public face. Google has always supported the Immigration issues .. since they have problems because they couldn't hire folks when the h1 lottery happenned.

    girlfriend Pregnant Barbie: Epic Win or pregnant barbie gives birth. PREGNANT WOMEN GIVING BIRTH

  • aadimanav
    08-21 02:52 PM
    Everyone is acknowledging that Recapture Bill will help everyone, but no one is willing to do anything.

    Next month, Congress will be in session for a very small interval of time, then why not try to do our best as much as we can regarding this bill.


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  • An Arizona woman gave birth to

  • coopheal
    12-17 10:52 AM
    Fact is you can always make smaller contribution using pay pal or make $100 one time contribution in every few months.

    You have no intension to make contribution, so just try to find excuses for not contributing.

    Might be thinking �it not my fault�. only if IV lowers contribution amount�. You can keep thinking this and make yourself happy.

    I shall say please don't repeat the same thing over and over again. ... if it doesn't work it doesn't.... yes... i will leave this forum soon, if things remain naggingly same.

    And please remember it's bottom up that works here not top-down.

    09-14 12:14 AM
    I don't think EAD/H1b should matter for the loan application, but all these depends on loan agent and bank policy. I took loan from Bankofamerica without any problem.

    PMI Vs 20% down payment, this is tough decision. If you want to play safe game till you get GC 5% down paymnet is better. In case if you have enough savings and planning to stay in that house for long time not it's not a wise decision to pay PMI.


    I heard that if one is on H-1/EAD, it is tough to secure a loan with 5% down. Any truth to that? Also, what are people's thoughts on paying PMI? Is it better to avoid PMI with a 20% down payment?


    10-01 11:42 PM
    Do you have a link to support upgrading databases til Oct 29?

    I think so


    Relevant thread:

    SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of Homeland Security is giving notice that it proposes to consolidate
    three legacy record systems: Justice/INS-013 INS Computer Linked
    Application Information Management System (CLAIMS) (67 FR 64132 October 17, 2002), Justice/INS-031 Redesigned Naturalization Application Casework System (RNACS) (67 FR 20996 April 29, 2002), and Justice/INS-033 I-551 Renewal Program Temporary Sticker Issuance I-90 Manifest System (SIIMS) (66 FR 6673 January 22, 2001) into one Department of Homeland Security/United States Citizenship and Immigration Services system of records notice titled, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Benefits Information System. Categories of individuals, categories of records, and the routine uses of these legacy system of records notices have been consolidated and updated to better reflect the Department's immigration petition and application information record systems. This system will be included in the Department's inventory of record systems.

    DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before October 29,
    2008. This new system will be effective October 29, 2008.


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